Helpful Packing Tips

There are many times when a customer will decide to do their own packing. Whatever the reason, the packing process is always and long and tiresome ordeal. For this reason, it is important start early and to tackle packing in a methodical approach.
1. Focus on one room at a time.
First time packers will begin packing several different rooms at a time in order to speed up the process, but this has got to be the worst approach ever. You want to focus on one room at a time so that everything for a specific room ends up in a group of boxes that you can label accordingly. Moreover, it is easier to control the mess that comes with packing when it is only focused in one room instead of your entire home. When you begin the packing process, you will want to start with smaller rooms and slowly move on to more difficult rooms such as the kitchen.
2. Pack all boxes tightly.
When you are packing a moving box, you want it to be full enough for it not to cave in when stacked, but not too full that the box will not close. Before you even begin filling up a moving box, make sure that there is enough tape holding it securely shut at the bottom. Once you have checked this, you can safely begin filling it up. The weight of the contents inside of the box should be distributed evenly throughout the box in order to make it easier to move. As boxes start filling up, you will always have holes that are difficult to fill in. In this case, it is important to fill in the holes in with soft items such as sheets, towels, etc. You always want to fill in as many holes as possible in order to prevent the box from caving in when others are stacked on top of it.
3. Don’t forget your survival kit.
If you are not paying close attention, then you may get a bit carried away when it comes to packing. For packing processes that will take several days, you will want to make sure that you do not pack essential items that you will still need for the next couple of days. In order to prevent this, it is a good idea to create a survival kit for each member of the family. Before you even begin packing, construct the survival kits and place them somewhere where they will not be accidentally packed. Things to include in your survival kit would be several outfits, toiletries, toys and snacks for the kids, and anything else that you feel is essential.

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